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Comfortable Cooling Vest, Cooling Vests, Copper, Core Body Cooling, Core Body Temperature, Furnaces, High Temperatures, Keep Cool, Metal Fabricators, Molten metal, No Hoses, Smelting, steel -

The average temperatures in Shelby, NC are generally quite pleasant- ranging from 47 degrees in January to near 90 degrees F in July. But inside the Ames Copper Group facility it's a different story, as temps stay in triple digits throughout the year. The smelting and refining furnaces used to recycle scrap copper into anodes that are 99.7% pure copper, produce molten metal...and lots of heat.  Working in this environment would be a challenge, especially for those working inside the casting perimeter who wear aluminized PPE. Thanks to the innovative StaCool technology, the casting crew and refactory technicians can literally---keep their...

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Heat exhaustion can have a brutal effect on humans. In fact, nearly 10,000 Americans have died from heat-related causes since 1979.But it's not always easy to know how to stay protected when working out in the heat.We're here to help. We've nailed down five tips for outdoor workers. Read on to learn how to keep [...]

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Tis the season to be jolly. That means we want Santa to StaCool while out visiting all the wonderful children. StaCool has been keeping Santa Clause, Mrs. Clause and all their Elves cool for the past 22 years, we thank you Santa and all your helpers for bringing joy to so many every year.Merry [...]

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How to Stay Cool in Hot Weather While Working Outside: A Complete GuidIf you work outside, it is important to take necessary steps to protect yourself from overheating. Check out this guide to learn more abotu how to stay cool in hot weather while working outside.Keyword(s): How to Stay Cool in Hot Weather While Working [...]

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